Virtual Validation: OEMs’ New Demand


The move towards 100% Virtual Validation by OEMs marks a transformative shift in the automotive sector. This means OEMs are stepping away from financial and operational involvement in physical testing and validation, and that Tier Suppliers are expected to heavily rely on virtual modeling for validating their components. This introduces new challenges and risks that conventional validation and simulation techniques cannot address.


Our White Paper, “The Missing Link In Virtual Validation,” discusses these challenges and demonstrates how Kepstrum’s DNA Structured Platform (DSP) is uniquely suited to addressing them. DSP facilitates an internal development process to generate Product DNA™. Using analytical modeling and Product DNA™, DSP can enhance simulation to eliminate trial and error and reduce the need for certain tests. As a final reliability measure, DSP also introduces shorter, cost-effective “Design Limit Tests” that validate the accuracy and reliability of the virtual models. This ensures that while Tier Suppliers strive to meet OEMs’ Virtual Validation demands, they maintain confidence in their product quality and are not burdened with the full weight of traditional testing costs. Read the paper to discover how DSP’s Product DNA™-based development process is the key to meeting OEMs’ Virtual Validation demands.